Mountz LTTSeries torque analyzers offer anadvanced solution for calibrating, verifying, and maintaining tool performance.Torque tools go out of calibration with use, they must be checked periodicallyfor wear or defective parts to maintain consistent accuracy. Regularly auditingand validating tooling calibration is essential for reducing errors in yourassembly process and preventing product defects for all manufacturers. a torqueanalyzer is a vital instrument for a quality control program investing in atorque testing solution elimnates downtime and expenses for shipping tools backand forth to an outside service allows you to calibrate instrumentsmore often and reduce calibration turnaround times and costs. Analyzers can beused with hand or power torque screwdrivers and wrenches, uses the built intransducer within your torque range applications or purchase additional torquesensors with different torque ranges to calibrate and validate various tools.when testing power tools operator must use a rundown adapter to prevent damageto the analyzer connect MTS torque sensor to the MTS LTT via cable using plugand play ARCII technology.
Manufacturing teams can connect torquesensors and analyzers with amounts multiplexer hub and easily switch between upto four sensors. Regular tool calibration and torque testing processes ensure repeataccuracy and adherents to international standards with it's easy to useinterface the MOUNTZ LTT Torque Analyzer provides quick and easy torque toolvalidation and calibration.